SaaS MasterClass
I launched 4 SaaS Projects in 20203 of them failedMy 4th reached $12K+ in 1 monthWe reached $10K/MRR in 1 month

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WHO AM I?EX-GOOGLER WITH 8 years in Silicon Valley2 years trying to make money onlineI realized everything I KNEW was wrong...
You don't need VC funding to make your own tech startup
You don't need a bunch of employees
You don't need millions in capital
You don't need to be a tech genius
You don't need to be technical
I learned so much along the way, and I'm giving away all my knowledge in this master class.In 2021, I'll be adding at least one module a month including Q&A videos
What's in the course?
SaaS 101
An introduction to SaaS for absolute beginners.
SaaS Myths
The reality of how to make a successful SaaS, and the lies Silicon Valley tells you
Useful resources for your SaaS journey
My tricks to hiring developers for cheap so I can make a SaaS for under $5K instead of $25K
Must Haves
What every SaaS needs to have a smooth launch
Business Partners
How to find a business partner for a SaaS project
The best tech stack for a SaaS
SaaS Markets
Where to buy and sell your SaaS
Tips for launching your SaaS
SaaS Review
Reviewing the 4 SaaS I launched in 2020, and all the lessons I learned
SaaS Philosophy
How I found the golden niche to ensure a successful SaaS
Hiring Interviews
Behind the scenes videos of my entire interviewing process
Marketing by Cold Email Wizard
The man, the wiz, the legend. Cold Email Wizard explains how you can market your SaaS and the numbers behind it
SaaS Comparisons
Comparing successful SaaS products
Start Your SaaS
Exactly what you need to do so you can start
SaaS Ideas
How To Find SaaS idea quickly and easily
Samy Dindane Interview
The creator of HypeFury & SaaSWiz talk about their SaaS journey and what they've learned over time
How I built a Micro-SaaS in one week, from the ground up.
Current Price: $99
Do not buy this expecting SaaS to be easy.I'll show you how to get into SaaS cheaper and easier than it needs to be. At the end of the day you are starting a tech business.Getting into SaaS still costs thousands of dollars in both dev and advertising cost.If $99 is too much for you go do something else
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